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03/11/2025 Pre-Conference Agenda

Moment by Moment Wellness: What you can do in the here and now

Speaker: Theresa Knorr

Description: This interactive workshop will briefly explore some of the obstacles to feeling good at work and move into a moment by moment solution-oriented way of being in the workplace. Move beyond the wellness wheel into practical hands on methods to feel better NOW.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC , LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE

Date: 03/11/2025   Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm

03/12/2025 Conference Agenda

Registration Open

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 8:00am - 9:00am

Partner Resource Tables Open - Stop by and learn about statewide resources

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 8:00am - 9:00am

Opening Remarks

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 9:00am - 9:15am


Jim Maney, Executive Director, New York Council on Problem Gambling

Robert Williams, Executive Director, NYS Gaming Commission

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 9:15am - 9:45am

Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, Commissioner, New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 9:45am - 10:00am

Using Data to Understand Trends in Problem Gambling and to Inform Decision Making in New York State

Speaker: Pat Lincourt

Description: The keynote address with present a range of NYS data including on perceptions of gambling harms and gambling prevalence, on excessive or problem gambling interventions such as voluntary self-exclusions, and on healthcare utilization related to problem gambling and gambling use disorder. We then focus on how the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports is using these data 1) to inform resource allocation and new initiatives and 2) to strengthen ongoing inter-agency collaborations on data, programming, and policy to reduce population-level gambling harms.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC , LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 10:00am - 10:45am

PGRC Regional Meetings

Join your local PGRC staff members to learn about the work being done in your communities and how you can stay connected.

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 10:55am - 11:40am

Lunch and Networking

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 11:50am - 12:55pm


Date: 03/12/2025    Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm


The Hidden Hazards of Youth Gambling

Speaker: Monique Tricarico

Description: This workshop will explore a comprehensive, community-driven approach to preventing underage gambling in New York, a pressing issue heightened by the recent legalization of sports betting. Attendees will gain practical insights into creating effective prevention programs, raising awareness, and building community partnerships to reduce the risks and harm associated with underage gambling.


Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm


Women & Problem Gambling

Speaker: Dr. Grace Hennessey

Description: As opportunities to gamble becomes more available in New York State, it is important to understand the characteristics of different populations with gambling problems to better inform prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery strategies. This workshop will review New York State data about women’s participation in gambling, clinical characteristics of women with problem gambling, and future directions for addressing problem gambling among women.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC , LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm


Supporting a Loved One with a Gambling Addiction: Securing YOUR Financial Future

Speaker: Melissa Murphy Pavone

Description: The goal of this workshop is to support families facing the financial and emotional challenges of addiction by providing actionable steps to protect their finances and restore stability. By blending effective financial strategies with the psychological support you offer, we can work together to empower these families to rebuild their lives and create a more secure future. This workshop is designed to equip individuals and families with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the financial and emotional challenges of supporting a loved one with a gambling addiction. Participants will learn actionable strategies to safeguard their financial well-being, set healthy boundaries, and regain control of their financial future. By integrating practical financial planning techniques with psychological insights, this session aims to empower attendees to rebuild stability and confidence while supporting their loved ones through recovery.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial- CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC; OASAS Renewal- CASAC/CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC; NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family/LCSW

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm


Gambling and Justice: Exploring Social Determinants & Systemic Racism

Speakers: Venus Moore & Martha Dolmo

Description: This training is to help Professionals and community leaders gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between gambling, social determinants of health, and systemic racism. Participants will gain a better understanding of the ways socioeconomic inequalities, racial discrimination, and lack of access to gambling education can manifest in criminal justice or public health sectors.

Continuing Education: OASAS Initial- CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC; OASAS Renewal- CASAC/CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC; NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family; ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE/LCSW/LMHC

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Many Pathways to Gambling Harms Recovery

Speakers: Brenda Harris Collins, Scott Meyer, Andrea Aldinger, Michael McGorty and Jeffrey Castellano

Description: This keynote will give an overview of the framework for recovery in NYS and highlight the multiple pathways people can enter recovery. After an overview of recovery for gambling harms, there will be a moderator and 3 panel participants who will share their unique pathway to recovery from gambling harms.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, LCSW/LMHC

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 2:10pm - 3:10pm


Date: 03/12/2025    Time: 3:20pm - 4:20pm


Not All Fun & Games: Youth and Mobile Sports Betting

Speaker: Chelsea Kehrli

Description: This workshop will review the curriculum that was developed in collaboration with a grant from NYCPG to assess community needs and take action to address youth gambling. This information will take a deeper look at the world of online sports betting and how this glamorized form of entertainment is having an impact on our young people. -Participants will learn about the emerging trends of online sports betting and identify warning signs of someone who is engaging in problem gambling. Participants will gain conversation techniques to better support young people who may be gambling.


Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 3:20pm - 4:20pm


Invisible Struggles: Problem Gambling and Accessibility Gaps for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Individuals

Speaker: Keven Poore

Description: This presentation will explore the intersection of the Deaf community and gambling harm. While Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals engage in gambling at rates equal to or higher than the general population, they face significant barriers in accessing prevention, treatment, and support services. These barriers include communication access, a lack of culturally relevant resources, and pervasive stigma, which hinder their ability to receive equitable care for gambling-related issues. As a result, Deaf individuals may experience heightened emotional, financial, and social consequences. This session will discuss strategies to address these gaps, focusing on the need for inclusive, accessible, and culturally sensitive services. Attendees will learn practical approaches to better support Deaf individuals, including the importance of qualified sign language interpreters, adapting prevention programs, and providing accessible resources. By the end of the session, participants will have a deeper understanding of how to support Deaf individuals with gambling issues and promote equitable access to services.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 3:20pm - 4:20pm


Supervision is Self-Care

Speaker: Ruth Riddick

Description: Professionals agree that there’s a need for “supervision.” But what do we mean? For individuals working in structured environments, supervision is often identifiable only as a top-down management responsibility. But this management role by itself is insufficient to nurture and sustain a growing workforce, especially in non-traditional professions. Responsive models of mentor-based supervision are emerging, often as a result of worker advocacy. This workshop will suggest that, in addition to being a leadership responsibility, supervision is also self-care for professionals. To grow as professionals, we proactively define our needs in and for supervision; we expect supervision that speaks to our role performance and philosophy; we demand support for enhancing our particular skills, talents, and interests; and we invest in private supervision services as needed to support our role mastery and our personal lifelong learning commitment. We do this as a self-care practice. Join us for this important conversation about how, where, and when we practice self-care through supervision.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, LCSW, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 3:20pm - 4:20pm


Strength in Vulnerability - Black Men's Perspectives on Mental Health and Gambling Addiction

Speakers: Dr. Tyrone Thaddaeus Brown, Ivan Braxton, Vassell O’Gilvie, Rodney Reid

Description: In this transformative roundtable discussion, Black men from diverse backgrounds come together to discuss the often-overlooked intersections of mental health and gambling addiction within their communities. Panelists will share personal stories, cultural insights, and professional expertise to address the unique pressures that Black men face regarding mental health and addiction, as well as the historical and societal factors that often make it difficult to reach out for help. Attendees will walk away with a deeper understanding of how cultural and structural issues shape experiences with mental health and gambling addiction, as well as practical steps for community-based support and wellness.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1 CPP/CPS/ OASAS Renewal Section 1 CASAC/CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC/LCSW

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 3:20pm - 4:20pm

Bonus Content

Date: 03/12/2025    Time: 4:25pm - 5:15pm


Spotlight on Services: GAMFin and HOPELine

Speaker: TBD

Description: During this session we are pleased to spotlight a couple of our NYS problem gambling resources, the NYS HOPEline and GamFin. Please join us to learn more about what these services entail and how they can assist you, your family and/ or your clients

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 4:25pm - 5:15pm


Hidden Mischief - Mock Bedroom

Speaker: Jessica McCarthy

Description:This interactive session will help participants learn possible warning signs of risky behaviors and how to start conversations with youth about making healthy choices by walking through a mock bedroom setup.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC , LCSW, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 4:25pm - 5:15pm


Gam-Anon Meeting - Open Meeting

Speaker: TBD

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 4:25pm - 5:15pm


Gambler’s Anonymous Open Meeting

Speakers: N/A

Date: 03/12/2025   Time: 4:25pm - 5:15pm

03/13/2025 Conference Agenda

Combined Gamblers Anonymous and Gam-Anon Meeting - Open to All

Date: 03/13/2025    Time: 8:15am - 9:00am

Registration Open

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 8:00am - 9:00am

Partner Resource Tables Open - Stop by and learn about statewide resources

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 8:00am - 9:00am

Opening Remarks: Steve Block, Board President, New York Council on Problem Gambling

Date: 03/13/2025    Time: 9:00am - 9:15am

Advancing Innovation to Address Problem Gambling and Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Concerns Among New York State College Students

Speakers: Dr. Dolores Cimini, Jessica L. Martin, Laura M. Longo, Evan E. Ozmat

Description: The recent explosion of online sports betting in New York State has led to an increase in problem gambling among young adults, particularly college students. Studies indicate that many college students engaging in problem gambling also experience co-occurring substance use and mental health concerns including risk for suicide. It is critical for both campus staff members and community providers to understand and respond to this complex emerging issue using evidence-informed practices. In this presentation, we will explore the current landscape of problem gambling among college students, identify unique risk factors for problem gambling and co-occurring mental health and substance use concerns, and outline innovative research-based solutions for timely and culturally responsive prevention and intervention. Using the experiences of a large public university in New York State, we will highlight how evidence-based practices are being integrated into a comprehensive prevention approach to address problem gambling among college students and how predictive models using artificial intelligence are being used to identify risk and increase student engagement.

Continuing Education Credits: LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family, ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE, OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 9:15am - 10:15am


Date: 03/13/2025    Time: 10:25am - 11:25am


Developing a Plan of Action to Weave Problem Gambling into the Fabric of Recovery Services

Speakers: Lillian McCarthy, Steven Delaney, Joseph Barbera, Michelle Hadden and Shanley Olszowy

Description: In 2024, select RCOCs collaborated with regional PGRCs to complete a community needs assessment to determine the level of readiness of communities surrounding RCOCs and their ability to address problem gambling. In this session we will outline the process that was undertaken to collect data and build relationships, provide a brief overview of the results, and speak to the capacity building project moving forward in 2025. Panelists will discuss project highlights, challenges, and next steps for problem gambling integration at RCOCs, as well as best practices for creating an organizational shift in readiness.

Continuing Education Credits: LCSW/OASAS Initial Section 1 CPP/CPS/ OASAS Renewal Section 1 CASAC/CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 10:25am - 11:25am


Military Veterans and Gambling Disorder

Speaker: Les Waite

Description: Presentation will outline the prevalence and treatment for gambling disorder provided at the Albany Stratton VAMC including group and individual therapies. Provide a general understanding of gambling and how it impacts the military Servicemember and Veteran populations Provide an overview of treatment options available for military Veterans Interact with military Veterans active in their recovery from Gambling Disorder.

Continuing Education Credits: ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE ; LMFT; SW/LMHC/OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/OASAS Renewal Section 1-CASAC/CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 10:25am - 11:25am


Scholarship Recipients Meeting w/ Alumni Association

Speaker: TBD

Description: This session is intended for scholarship recipients. We will utilize the time to network, talk about action steps and also learn about the NYS Alumni Association

Continuing Education: 1.0 OASAS Initial CPP/CPS, Renewal CASAC, CPP, CPS, CASAC-G, CPP-G, LMHC, Social Work, IGCCB

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 10:25am - 11:25am


Anti Human Trafficking Awareness Presentation

Speakers: Eva Chavez

Description: Our training covers defining and understanding the severity and scope of human trafficking, identifying the red flags of trafficking, intersections between intimate partner violence and human trafficking, and trauma informed lens, resources, and tools to increase efficacy in supporting survivors of trafficking. Topics covered include the anti-trafficking legal framework, the prevalence of trafficking, red flags and indicators to identifying victims of trafficking and resources available to victims.

Continuing Education Credits: OASAS Initial Section 1-CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC, OASAS Renewal Section 1- CASAC/ CPP/CPS/CASAC-G/CPP-G/CPGC; LCSW

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 10:25am - 11:25am

Reversing Gambling Stigma

Speaker: Herman Taylor

Description: Reversing gambling stigma can be attributed to various psychological factors. One key factor is the power of storytelling. When individuals hear stories of others who have overcome challenges and achieved success, they are more likely to believe they can achieve their goals. Reversing Stigma will tap into positive psychology principles, which emphasize the importance of cultivating positive emotions, thoughts, and behavior. By encouraging individuals to focus on achievable their goals, and taken positive action towards those goals. Reversing stigma can help individuals develop a more optimistic and resilient mindset. Reversing stigma is a process that activates the reward system, and increasing feelings of motivation and inspiration. Participants will learn the Six steps to reversing stigma attendees leave Herman’s workshop transformed with: 1). A clear understanding of the five steps to reverse stigma, 1. story, 2. team, 3. intentionality, 4. gratitude, 5. motivation, and 6. affirmation and how with a positive mind-set you can manage your mental health and recovery. 2). The five steps to reversing gambling stigma will guide you in your pursuit of your mental health, recovery, and wellbeing. 3). The motivation to move past your gambling stigma and live a productive lifestyle.

Continuing Education Credits: NYCB Credit for CARC/CRPA Professional Development/CRPA-Family; ICGC-I & ICGC-II CE; LMFT/SW/LMHC/ OASAS Initial Section 1 CPP/CPS/ OASAS Renewal Section 1 CASAC/CPP/CPS

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 11:25am - 12:25pm

Lunch and Networking

Date: 03/13/2025   Time: 12:25pm - 1:25pm

Closing Remarks Jim Maney, NYCPG Executive Director

Date: 03/13/2025    Time: 1:25pm - 1:30pm
  • The New York Council on Problem Gambling is a not-for-profit independent corporation dedicated to increasing public awareness about problem and disordered gambling and advocating for support services and treatment for persons adversely affected by problem gambling. NYCPG maintains a neutral stance on gambling and is governed by a Board of Directors.


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